Raising immunity with Chlorella

27/05/2020 09:16 PM
Opinions on topical issues from thought leaders, columnists and editors.
By :
Dr. Khairul Adzfa Radzun

There are many technology advancement aims and promises that mankind wishes to accomplish in the year 2020 and beyond. We are proud of our technological advancement in the manufacturing of artificial organs, advanced gene editing, artificial intelligence (AI), self-driving cars, flying cars and to the extent that mankind can eventually colonise the ‘Red Planet’ (Mars).

All of the goals seem achievable based on the cutting-edge technologies we possess at present. Despite all of the positives, some of the achievements may be halted this year and a few years beyond. The main reason for this is we are now, unfortunately, close to a quarter of a year trapped and still affected by the global pandemic caused by an invisible agent known as SARS-CoV-2 that has resulted in the widespread disease popularly known as COVID-19. COVID-19 is so novel that it has led to many uncertainties and difficulties on how to overcome it.

Hence, the best way to reduce the severity of infection (if infected) by the virus leans on an improved immunity system, strongly suggested as “prevention is better than cure”. Our body tends to fight any infection or disease depending on the strength of immunity, individually. In this period, strengthening one’s defence mechanism is the main action that should be done by including superfoods intake in daily life.

Chlorella as an additional food ingredient

It is worthwhile to introduce Chlorella as an additional ingredient for food. Chlorella comes from two combined Greek words, Chloros and Ella, which give the meaning of green and small, respectively. It is also known as spirulina’s cousin as both of the organisms are classified as green algae. The tremendous complete protein content of Chlorella measured is up to 50 to 60 per cent from the biomass weight. This fact means consuming Chlorella provides us all nine essential amino acids required by our body. How amazing is that!

The chlorophyll that defines the strong green colour acts as an antioxidant along with Vitamin C and beta-carotene.

The correlation between consuming Chlorella and direct antibodies produced has yet to be strongly proven. However, the potential of Chlorella to be one that helps in increment of antibodies and activation of natural killer cells has been studied in both humans and mice, respectively. The compilation of previous studies might give an insight into why you need to give a try towards this nutrition-packed little organism without much worry.

Research on Chlorella

A research reported in the European Journal of Nutrition in 2018, by Chidley, C. and colleagues, discussed the effect of consuming Chlorella-derived supplements (200 mg and 400 mg) daily for four weeks on antibodies produced as compared to placebo on humans. Those who took Chlorella-derived supplements achieved an increment of at least four times in antibodies. There is an interesting observation obtained after eight weeks of studies where cell activities are improved by consuming Chlorella supplements. This finding holds a strong potential of this organism to improve one’s body defence mechanisms. It is simply understood by the concept that each of our body cells has to work better in order to stay healthy. It is not surprising that Chlorella intake is seen to diminish the effect of reduced antibody (specifically Immunoglobulin A) secretion during athletic training as reported by Otsuki and co-workers who published their works in the Nutrition journal six years earlier.

Another study by Halperin and a group of researchers determined to study the possibilities of Chlorella to improve one’s body immunity system, as reported in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 2003, observed that immune-modulating properties are found in Chlorella extract, mainly in polysaccharide portion. What make these properties relatable with the improved immune response? It is when human white blood cells (specifically macrophage) are stimulated with the presence of these properties. Generally, white blood cells are our body saviour towards any infection or pathogen-related diseases. Glycoprotein extracted from Chlorella vulgaris also shows to counter the declination in immunity and psychological stress in animal study. This result is due to the increase in glucocorticoids level. Chlorella vulgaris extracts were also studied specifically in mice where reduction in induced casein allergies was obtained. The study by Hesegawa and co-workers in 1999, proved the ability of the extract to treat pro-inflammatory response from casein allergen antibodies and the research was reported in the Journal of Immunopharmacology in that year.

Extraction from other unidentified species of Chlorella showed an “antihistamine” effect in rat mast cells that mask the allergies towards histamine as deduced in the study conducted by Queiroz and colleagues in 2002. They reported the research findings in the Journal of Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. The mice that they infected with Listeria monocytogenes (a bacteria pathogen) showed an increase in resistance towards the infection when treated with extract. It resulted from the activation of natural killer cells present in the mice cells, triggered by the chemicals in the extract.

Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae

Knowing the benefits of Chlorella, Dr Khairul Adzfa Radzun and his research team from the Faculty of Applied Sciences UiTM Shah Alam Selangor cultivate Chlorella vulgaris microalgae at the Microalgae Research Laboratory at UiTM Puncak Alam with the cooperation of the Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam and Atta-ur-Rahman Institute for Natural Products Discovery (AuRIns).

C. vulgaris is cultivated in tubular photobioreactor and processed to become fine powder. The powder is used as one of the ingredients in products such as biscuits and Chlorella-caviar jellies in drinks that are marketed through a start-up business developed under UiTM, namely Wisdom Creation Industries Sdn. Bhd or WCI, co-owned by Dr Khairul Adzfa Radzun as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and partners Mr Mohd Fahmi Mohd Noor as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Mr Mohd Shukri Shohimi as the Chief Operating Officer (COO). As a start, the C. vulgaris biscuits, branded as Way-Gy Chlorella Caviar Chewy Biscuits, are produced through OEM cooperation with Noraini Cookies.

In the midst of the pandemic situation, which is causing chaos in the world, strengthening the body defence mechanism is the key. Let’s help the fully-packed hospitals, overworked doctors and nurses and others by taking care of ourselves. As a wrap, include any form of Chlorella intake daily to give a boost to your own body to fight against infection. The research-based Chlorella products by Dr Khairul Adzfa are up for grabs!!!


Dr Khairul Adzfa Radzun is a Senior Lecturer and the Principal Researcher at the Microalgae Research Laboratory, School of Biology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor.

Nur Farrahim Faizie Abdullah is a Master Student at the School of Biology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor, under the supervision of Dr Khairul Adzfa Radzun.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official policy or position of BERNAMA)