Staying Sane is Impossible during WFH?

02/07/2021 09:15 AM
Opinions on topical issues from thought leaders, columnists and editors.

By Raihana Ahmad Jalaluddin

2020 is cancelled!

Error 2020, please try again in 2021! But now, by the time we thought 2021 would start us anew, “bammm!” The 3rd wave MCO hits us hard.

First, we thought 2020 was supposed to have flying cars; instead COVID-19 was wandering around. Everyone was forced to switch norms. From jogging outdoors to running around your house – indoors. From having Zumba nights with fellow mates to joining Instagram Live workouts – indoors. No more eating out. All sectors were shut down. Economy slowed down, social activities banned, the education system suddenly gone haywire, workers worked from home, roadblocks everywhere, health practitioners were suddenly overloaded with non-stop cases, and the WORLD is in chaos.

Yes. Still in chaos. Yes, vaccine is here on another note, but still ….

Coming back to COVID-19, not only are the cases rising. Mental health issues are also on the rise. Switching norms at a sudden rate is definitely not easy. Staying at home, coping with office work, it is a fortune for certain families to understand the working hours. That the focus should be on work first. What about those who have small children to attend to due to closed nurseries, online classes for primary students, and who constantly need monitoring? Or, simply, the conducive environment at home that’s missing?


How on earth should we keep our sanity? Maintain our emotions, deliver work efficiently and, at the same time, not neglect the family?

It’s just that most people are now blending in, fitting in; everybody is trying their own very best to survive. Children are getting used to online classes. Workers are getting used to working from home.

How should we maintain our sanity?

Hold on. Take a deep breath. Breathe in, hold, breathe out.

Be thankful that we are still alive. Be thankful that we still have our loved ones. Be grateful that we are still able to control ourselves as some might lose it.

Try to be close to nature. Take some time for gardening. Have a mini nursery of yours. If you don’t have much space, try the hydroponic system. Grow some vegetables, cute little flowers, cactus, or any plant that doesn’t need much care. Talk with nature. Get some sunshine in the early mornings.

Have a schedule and a proper working space at home. Never skip meals especially breakfast.

Even though you are working from home, to keep up the mood, act as usual. Wake up, dress up. If you normally come to work at 8, start to work at 8. The situation is the same, only the environment differs.

Try to pick up a hobby - brisk walking, cycling, jogging, playing badminton, Zumba, yoga, any kind of hobby that is associated with exercise, or simply relive your love for art and crafts. Not interested in any of those? Allocate playtime with your loved ones – your children, or even your furry animals.

Nobody has the authority to say no to you going to social media. If you need some laughs, and you can get that from Tik Tok, go for it. If you need to go to Instagram to post some insta-worthy pictures, you may do so. If you think that you want to get involved with some serious discussions on Reddit, you are most welcome.


Keep some close friends to keep you sane. Talk with them. Communicate. Share your daily stories. To point out, close friends do not mean that you can’t share with your partner or spouse. But understanding the fact we are so used to having friends in the office where we share gossips and rants, keeping some close friends in WhatsApp or Telegram groups does help.

The key is to find something that could and will make you happy. Release your stress, find your inner peace.

Whatever it is, there is always a reason for why this happens. Maybe Mother Nature needs a rest. Maybe humans need to relearn the meaning of human touch and communication. Maybe everyone needs to reappreciate love. Maybe we need to be more considerate and selfless. Just maybe. Send love to everyone who might need a heads up through this pandemic; we are in this together. Stay sane, stay safe. Again, pull yourself together; we can do this, again. And have some faith; we will win!


Raihana Ahmad Jalaluddin is a Language Teacher at the Centre for Language Studies of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official policy or position of BERNAMA)