04/08/2023 03:31 PM
Opinions on topical issues from thought leaders, columnists and editors.

By : Aidalina Mahili

As Malaysia grapples with various economic challenges stemming from both domestic and international factors, the need for a collective escape from this predicament becomes increasingly apparent. The celebration of Ma'al Hijrah 1445H holds immense significance for Malaysia, as it provides an opportunity for the nation to embark on a journey of transformation and rejuvenation. Maal Hijrah, which is also called Awal Muharram, is an important day for Muslims. It falls on the first day of Muharram on every Muslim calendar year, which is the first day on Muslim calendar. The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English translation is a migration.

Malaysia finds itself facing economic difficulties due to a combination of internal and external factors. The Malaysian economy has recovered from the pandemic-related economic shocks, with stronger-than-expected quarter-on-quarter growth in 2022 and gaining momentum. Growth was 8.9 per cent in the second quarter and 14.2 per cent in the third quarter in 2022. The high growth rate signalled that the Malaysian economy was recovering from the devastating effects of the pandemic. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been a major impediment to Malaysia's recovery, and although the war had no direct impact on Malaysia's growth, it did increase prices. The country must swiftly navigate through these challenges to ensure sustained growth and development. Ma'al Hijrah 1445H serves as a reminder of the urgent need for Malaysia to break free from the shackles of economic stagnation and proactively seek solutions for a prosperous future.

Hijrah encompasses more than just a physical migration; it is also a metaphorical journey of change and transformation. For Malaysia's overall governance to transcend the current state of defeatism, the responsibility lies not only with the government but also with the people. The spirit of Ma'al Hijrah encourages active citizen participation and collective efforts towards building a better nation. One of the significant impacts of economic challenges is the erosion of national self-esteem. The celebration of Ma'al Hijrah serves as a catalyst for Malaysia to reclaim its confidence and self-belief. By acknowledging the country's strengths, talents and potential, Malaysians can forge a path towards progress, navigating through the storm and bouncing back stronger than ever before.

Ma'al Hijrah prompts a shift from normalizing low expectations towards the country to setting higher standards and aspirations. It is essential to break free from the cycle of accepting mediocrity and challenge the status quo. By fostering a culture of excellence and innovation, Malaysia can unleash its full potential and attain remarkable achievements in various fields. Malaysians must move away from self-condemning narratives that perpetuate the notion of underachievement. Instead, the celebration of Ma'al Hijrah should serve as a reminder of the nation's resilience, perseverance, and ability to overcome obstacles. By shifting the narrative towards highlighting success stories and role models, Malaysia can foster a culture of achievement and inspire future generations. When the country was placed under a shameful spotlight by a comedian recently, the way we came together to push our rightful image to the centre stage was commendable, albeit through social media and not some fancy press conference, nor an official dialogue. Through this display of solidarity the spirit of belongingness may be more solid than patriotism but we stand tall.

The celebration of Ma'al Hijrah 1445H reinforces the idea that standing against bad governance is not just a choice but a moral obligation. Malaysians should hold their leaders accountable for their actions, ensuring transparency, integrity, and good governance. By promoting a collective voice against corruption and malpractice, society can create a conducive environment for progress and prosperity. Accountability and integrity are crucial pillars in any society, thus the Awal Muharram serves as a reminder of the importance of these values in shaping a nation's destiny. Leaders, public servants, and citizens alike must prioritize ethical conduct, ensuring that decisions and actions are guided by principles that prioritize the common good and foster trust among the people. While rhetoric may provide temporary solace, it is actions that bring about tangible change. The celebration of Ma'al Hijrah calls upon Malaysians to move beyond mere words and take concrete steps towards achieving the envisioned future. Whether it is through personal growth, active citizenship, or collective efforts, Malaysia must transform promises into actions to drive meaningful progress.

In the face of challenges, unity becomes paramount. Ma'al Hijrah emphasizes the importance of unity among Malaysians, transcending differences and fostering a shared vision for the nation. By celebrating diversity, promoting inclusivity, and embracing the values that bind us, Malaysia can harness its collective strength to overcome obstacles and achieve sustainable development. This year’s celebration themed “Perpaduan Teras Malaysia Madani” reflects the nature of the actions and actions of the Prophet Muhammad ص[ \ لع‘ه ملسو, and unity is the foundation of civilized society, not only in material terms, but also in ideology and spirituality. Unity will be the highlight as a key focus of this year's Ma’al Hijrah celebration, in line with the Malaysian MADANI concept proposed by the Prime Minister. In order to achieve the unity of a multi-religious, multi-ethnic society in the country, the people must commemorate the migration of the Prophet Muhammad ص [ \لع‘ه ملسو from Mecca to Medina and the introduction of the Islamic government paradigm.

Ma'al Hijrah 1445H holds particular relevance as Malaysia undergoes a process of change management. Embracing this spirit of transformation, the nation can overcome obstacles, adapt to new realities, and chart a course towards a better Malaysia. By embracing change rather than fearing it, Malaysians can shape their own destiny and create a brighter future for generations to come. As a nation, it is crucial to unite and exhibit resilience in line with the spirit of Hijrah. By nurturing a sense of togetherness and unwavering determination, Malaysians can weather the storms that lie ahead. Prophet Muhammad ص [ \لع‘ه ملسو built a nation where both Muslims and non-Muslims benefit from his leadership. Unity was the basis of this Islamic state, which is the exact element we would like to see being brought into society today. The Prophet Muhammad ص [ \لع‘ه ملسو denied space and opportunity for non-Muslims in Islamic nations.

Ma'al Hijrah in ways of MADANI provides a platform for Malaysians to reinforce their commitment to progress and strengthen their resolve to overcome challenges together. The celebration serves as an opportunity to instil optimism, confidence, and self-resilience among Malaysians. By embracing the core values of MADANI (moderation, accountability, integrity, self-reliance, and excellence), the nation can foster a mindset of growth, adaptability, and perseverance. Through these values, Malaysia can emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Ma'al Hijrah 1445H presents Malaysia with a transformative opportunity to overcome economic challenges, shift governance paradigms and foster national self-belief. By moving away from low self-esteem, normalizing high expectations, and striving for good governance, Malaysians can pave the way for a brighter future. As a united nation, embracing the spirit of Hijrah and upholding MADANI core values, Malaysia can navigate through the storm, emerge stronger, and create a prosperous future for all its citizens.


Aidalina Mahili is National Security Analyst.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and AWS and do not reflect the official policy or position of BERNAMA)