11/08/2023 12:23 PM
Opinions on topical issues from thought leaders, columnists and editors.

By : Aidalina Mahili

Malaysians are lucky and unique not just for living in a melting pot of diversity and culture, but also for demonstrating that, despite cultural differences, we can coexist for years. Not only do we live in a prosperous area, but we are also geographically sheltered from natural calamities such as typhoons and earthquakes. We have been privileged in many ways, and this does not come cheap.

Our forefathers fought battles and conflicts for the country that exists now, 60 years later. We have remarkable progress in Malaysia throughout the years and of course, every generation has different point of views towards the country’s independence, success and prosperity.

Malaysia has a track record of making a successful transition from British colony to a sovereign nation. Our economy, while still in need of more effort, has seen modest setbacks in comparison to other countries' experiences with attaining independence. Politically, our country has recently faced quite a turbulence, but this has opened doors to acceptance of a diverse option of government and leaders, which will eventually aid us in embracing maturity in steering the country.

Perhaps we can travel down memory lane and recall some of the events that have put our sovereignty and security at risk. Of course, there was the Japanese occupation during WWII, as well as the tragedy of May 13, 1969. The threats were more typical and obvious back then. 60 years later, the threats have become more subtle, yet serious and difficult to manage. The Lahad Datu standoff and the Sulu claims towards Malaysia are closely related incidents that occurred in Sabah, Malaysia. The Lahad Datu standoff, which took place in February 2013, was a security incident where a group of armed militants, followers of self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram III, entered the coastal village of Lahad Datu in Sabah, Malaysia.

The group, known as the Royal Security Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo, claimed to be asserting the historical territorial claim of the defunct Sulu Sultanate over Sabah. The Tanduo intrusion, also known as the Lahad Datu standoff, was a significant security incident that occurred in Sabah, Malaysia, in 2013.

It had a profound impact on Sabahans and Malaysians as a whole. The Sulu claims towards Sabah date back to the 17th century when the Sultanate of Sulu, a historical Islamic kingdom, had territorial influence over parts of present-day Philippines and Sabah. However, after the British North Borneo Company obtained a lease over Sabah in the 19th century and Sabah was later incorporated into Malaysia upon its formation in 1963, the Sulu Sultanate's territorial claim persisted, leading to tensions and disputes.

The Lahad Datu standoff was a manifestation of the Sulu Sultanate's claim over Sabah, with the armed militants attempting to assert their historical claim through force. The incident was a security challenge for Malaysia, as it raised concerns about national sovereignty, border security, and potential threats to territorial integrity. The standoff resulted in a confrontation between the Malaysian security forces and the armed militants, leading to casualties on both sides.

The Malaysian authorities took action to resolve the situation and restore peace in the affected areas. The incident highlighted the complexities of the historical territorial claims and sovereignty issues involving Sabah. While Malaysia has consistently maintained its sovereignty over Sabah, the Sulu claims have remained an unresolved historical issue between Malaysia and the Philippines. It is important to note that the governments of Malaysia and the Philippines have continued to engage in dialogue and diplomatic efforts to address the Sulu claims and other territorial disputes through peaceful means.

The Lahad Datu standoff serves as a reminder of the importance of resolving such historical issues through dialogue and mutual understanding to maintain regional stability and peace. The incident prompted a reevaluation of Malaysia's security measures, including border security and intelligence-sharing mechanisms, to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

It served as a reminder of the importance of upholding Malaysia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It underscored the need to protect Malaysia's borders and defend against external threats. The incident may have had social and cultural repercussions in affected communities.

It could have heightened communal tensions or prompted discussions about identity and security. The incident could have had political implications, leading to debates and discussions on national security policies and the handling of similar situations in the future. The Tanduo intrusion highlighted the need for continued vigilance in maintaining security in Sabah and other vulnerable areas. It may have led to enhanced cooperation between security forces and intelligence agencies.

Overall, the Tanduo intrusion had far-reaching consequences, impacting the lives of Sabahans and Malaysians and serving as a crucial event that prompted a reassessment of security measures and a call for national unity in defending the country's sovereignty and stability.

Indeed, in this age of digitalization, social media has the potential to influence extremism in any society, including in Malaysia. Over time, the power and reach of social media platforms can contribute to the spread and amplification of extremist ideologies. Social media algorithms tend to create echo chambers, where users are exposed to content that aligns with their existing beliefs and preferences. This can lead to increased polarization and reinforcement of extremist viewpoints, as individuals are less likely to encounter diverse perspectives and alternative viewpoints.

It also purposely and consciously used to spread false information, propaganda and conspiracy theories, which can manipulate public opinion and fuel extremist narratives. Misinformation can contribute to a climate of fear, suspicion, and hostility. Worse, extremist groups and individuals can use social media to recruit new members and spread their ideologies. Online platforms provide a convenient space for radicalization efforts, as they allow for anonymity and access to a large audience.

It will escalate to disseminate hate speech and calls for violence against specific groups or individuals. Such content can incite hostility and lead to real-world harm, damaging social cohesion in Malaysia. Manipulation of political discussions and public sentiment, contributing to the amplification of divisive narratives and extremism is not foreign in Malaysia.

It needs to be moderated as it is capable to ignite hate that is not there in the first place. While social media can amplify extremist voices, it can also contribute to a culture of censorship and "cancel culture." Certain views or individuals may be silenced, leading to further polarization and alienation.

Online communities, forums, and chat groups can facilitate the spread of extremist ideologies, leading to the reinforcement of harmful beliefs and behaviors. To address the influence of social media on extremism in Malaysia, there is a need for comprehensive strategies that involve various stakeholders.

Promoting media literacy and critical thinking to help individuals discern credible information from misinformation and extremist content. This also includes collaborating with social media platforms to implement effective content moderation policies that combat hate speech and extremist content. Combating extremism in the online space requires collective efforts from the government, civil society, tech companies, educators, and individuals to foster a safe and harmonious digital environment in Malaysia.

Teaching Malaysian youth about their forefathers' fights against colonialism and Japanese occupations is essential to instill a sense of national pride, historical awareness, and appreciation for the sacrifices made to achieve independence and sovereignty. Through this, Malaysian youth can develop a deeper appreciation for their forefathers' resilience and sacrifices in the fight against colonialism and Japanese occupations. Understanding this historical context can foster a strong sense of identity, patriotism, and a commitment to preserving the nation's sovereignty and unity for future generations. It is critical for each Malaysian to maintain a moderate and rational approach while upholding the principles of the Rukun Negara (National Principles) and the Federal Constitution.

Rejecting efforts to destabilize and spread hate among the people is essential for maintaining social cohesion and harmony, while promoting unity and understanding while discouraging hate speech and extremist ideologies can help ensure a peaceful and inclusive society. By safeguarding Malaysia's unity, stability, and adherence to democratic principles, it calls for an approach that respects the country's national values and institutions while rejecting divisive and harmful actions.

By adhering to these principles, Malaysia can continue to progress as a diverse and vibrant nation. Malaysians can draw inspiration and ideals from the heroism displayed by the nation's fighters and the sacrifices made by the security forces to protect the country's sovereignty on Hari Pahlawan (Warrior's Day).

Malaysians are capable of embracing the ideals of "patriotism and love for the homeland." The nation's combatants' heroic spirit serves as a reminder of the value of cherishing one's country, defending it against outside dangers, and upholding peace and harmony inside its multicultural community.

From the nation's soldiers and security forces, citizens can learn the genuine meaning of sacrifice and dedication. To safeguard the country, they have encountered difficulties and perils. They have faced risks and dangers to protect the nation and its people. These sacrifices teach us the significance of giving our best for the betterment of society and the nation.

The spirit of heroism displayed by the nation's fighters teaches about loyalty to the country and the courage to face challenges and enemies. Malaysians can learn to stand firm and remain steadfast in the face of tests or crises. On Hari Pahlawan, Malaysians can reflect on the importance of unity and harmony within their culturally diverse society.

The spirit of heroism exemplified by the nation's fighters showcases the strength of the country when its citizens unite, regardless of their differences. The spirit of heroism and sacrifice by the security forces reminds citizens of the importance of active participation in safeguarding the nation's peace and security.

Malaysians should not only be beneficiaries but also actively contribute to maintaining stability and safety. Malaysians can learn about the strength of national resilience, which refers to the country's capacity to face and overcome challenges and threats, both internal and external. The spirit of heroism exhibited by the nation's fighters emphasizes the need to build national resilience to safeguard the nation's sovereignty. By internalizing the values and lessons from the spirit of heroism and sacrifices made by the nation's fighters and security forces, Malaysians can become patriotic warriors, sensitive to collective interests, and work towards the progress and well-being of the beloved nation and its people together.


Aidalina Mahili is National Security Analyst.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and AWS and do not reflect the official policy or position of BERNAMA)