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Malaysia's International Reserves Up At US$116.4 Bln As At Jan 31, 2025

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 7 (Bernama) -- Malaysia's international reserves rose to US$116.4 billion as at Jan 31, 2025, from US$115.5 billion on Jan 15, 2025, according to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

The central bank said the reserves position is sufficient to finance 5.0 months of imports of goods and services and is 1.0 times the total short-term external debt. 

The main components of the reserves were foreign currency reserves (US$103.8 billion), the International Monetary Fund reserves position (US$1.2 billion), special drawing rights (SDRs) (US$5.7 billion), gold (US$3.3 billion) and other reserve assets (US$2.4 billion).

Total assets amounted to RM620.88 billion, comprising gold and foreign exchange and other reserves, including SDRs (RM520.89 billion), Malaysian government papers (RM12.95 billion), deposits with financial institutions (RM4.83 billion), loans and advances (RM26.57 billion), land and buildings (RM4.59 billion) and other assets (RM51.02 billion).

The central bank said total capital and liabilities amounted to RM620.88 billion, comprising paid-up capital (RM100 million), reserves (RM193.33 billion), currency in circulation (RM177.92 billion), deposits by financial institutions (RM120.16 billion), federal government deposits (RM5.23 billion), other deposits (RM81.65 billion), Bank Negara papers (RM11.37 billion), allocation of SDRs (RM28.18 billion), and other liabilities (RM2.92 billion).