LATEST NEWS   Silat associations invited to collaborate with MCMC to help combat fake news on social media - Fahmi | Setia Alam shooting incident: Don’t easily believe claims on social media, refer to official news channels and police - Fahmi | Setia Alam shooting incident: Initial investigation reveals suspect was under influence of drugs - CID director | Setia Alam shooting incident: Suspect fired at cleaner after being reprimanded to move belongings - CID director | 

There are 1 news based on search keyword " saracap ventures"

Malaysian Govt leads In BPAM 3Q 2024 Bond League Tables With RM55.68 Bln Issuance

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian government has been named the overall top bond issuer in Bond Pricing Agency Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s (BPAM) Bond League Tables reports for the third quarter (3Q) of 2024, with a total issuance of RM55.68 billion.