LATEST NEWS   Super League: Kuching City 3-0 Kedah | Kolej Profesional Baitulmal KL and Institut Kemahiran Baitulmal to Merge, Rebranded as Kolej Profesional MAIWP - Mohd Na’im | The investment is similar to what other countries have undertaken to facilitate the restructuring of their critical industry players like Singapore's Sembcorp and South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding - PNB | The investment is critical in facilitating the completion of one of the largest debt restructuring exercises in Malaysia, involving some of the largest banks - PNB | The investment will help prevent the liquidation of SEB, which would result in the fire sale of strategic national oil and gas assets, domestically and globally - PNB | 

There are 1 news based on search keyword "mbsb group"

MBSB Group Opens Commercial Banking Centre At MATRADE To Support SMEs And Mid-sized Companies

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 (Bernama) -- MBSB Group has launched its Commercial Banking Centre at the head office of the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) here, further strengthening its commitment to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized companies, particularly those expanding into international markets.