Part of the Sabah Softwood Berhad's plantation sites (Pix credit to MPOGCF)
Sabah Softwood Berhad’s Acting Head of Planting and Sustainability Manager, Mohd Hafizzul Samutu. (Pix credit to MPOGCF)
Borneo Elephant Sanctuary (BES) in Kinabatangan focuses on rescuing, treating, and sheltering orphaned and injured Bornean elephants found in palm oil plantations and residential areas nearby. (Pix credit to MPOGCF)
Jibius Dausip, an elephant expert at BES (Pix credit to MPOGCF)
Agatis, the only female Bornean elephant in BES (Pix credit to MPOGCF)
MPOGCF General Manager Hairulazim Mahmud
Pemuliharaan Gajah Borneo Tarikan Ekopelancongan, Tangani Persepsi Negatif Barat