KPK Wants A Stop To The Import, Sale Of Products With Discriminatory Labelling Against Palm Oil

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 02 (Bernama) --  The Ministry of Plantation and Commodities (KPK) wants to stop the import and sale of products with discriminatory labelling against palm oil (DLAPO). 

The ministry said the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) will no longer accept any DLAPO activity.

"Strict action in accordance with the current regulations in force will be taken against any party found guilty along the product supply chain. KPK will always provide strong support and continuous cooperation with KPDN in efforts to combat the discriminatory labelling of palm oil," the ministry said in a statement today.

According to KPK, there are still premises that sell products with DLAPO since the regulations against it under the Trade Description Act 2011 came into force on March 15, 2022.

"The two-year grace period should have been enough for the parties involved to take appropriate action such as voluntarily removing DLAPO products from the shelves. 1024 days have passed since the regulations were first introduced. Thousands of inspections have been carried out by KPDN throughout the country starting March 15, 2022 and the ministry found that there are still premises that sell products with DLAPO," it added.