There are 3 news based on search keyword "masidi manjun"

Capitation Grant Rate To Be Raised 25 Pct To RM548 Mln Effective 2026 - PM Anwar

PUTRAJAYA, March 9 (Bernama) -- The rate of capitation grant distributed to state governments will be increased by 25 per cent, or RM109 million, to RM548 million effective from 2026.

Sabah Calls On State's OGSE Companies To Grab Petronas Opportunities In Next Two Years

KOTA KINABALU, March 7 (Bernama) - The Sabah government has called on oil and gas services and equipment (OGSE) companies in the state to grab opportunities in the sector provided by national oil company Petronas in the next two years.

Capitation Grant Rate To Be Raised 25 Pct To RM548 Mln Effective 2026 -- PM Anwar

PUTRAJAYA, March 6 (Bernama) -- The rate of capitation grant distributed to state governments will be increased by 25 per cent, or RM109 million, to RM548 million effective from 2026.