16/06/2024 07:57 PM

KOTA KINABALU, June 16 (Bernama) -- Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapha Sakmud has reminded students to remain rational when addressing and advocating issues concerning Sabah and its people.

As a Sabahan himself, he expressed understanding of the struggle but advised students to evaluate and consider their actions deeply before championing issues, such as the state's water supply problems.

The Sepanggar MP referred to the recent #KamiMahuAir Sabah rally, where he had advised Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students involved to obtain a permit from the Royal Malaysia Police and to gather peacefully. However, the outcome was different.

"What happened was that they involved non-citizens in the cause concerning Sabah’s issues. I was shocked and did not expect this to happen, especially involving our students. I had emphasised the need to be rational about these issues.

"We are not preventing them from gathering. Get a permit and assemble peacefully and rationally but what they did was to involve non-citizens to increase their numbers," he told reporters at the 25th Anniversary of PKR and Sabah PKR Kaamatan Festival celebration here today.

The event, organised by Sabah Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairperson Datuk Christina Liew in her capacity as the Head of PKR Api-Api Branch, was officiated by PKR Vice President Nurul Izzah Anwar, with Mustapha attending as the chairperson of the Sabah PKR State Leadership Council (MPN).

Yesterday, Kota Kinabalu police chief ACP Kasim Muda reported that nine individuals without identification documents were detained by police during the #KamiMahuAir Sabah rally last Friday (June 14).

Mustapha said that he would leave the investigation to the police and emphasised that the students involved must take responsibility for their actions regarding the issue.

He mentioned that the government is always attentive to the students' grievances about water supply and other issues. Efforts are underway to address the water supply problems at the university. However, he cautioned the students against being used by certain parties, especially those with political motives.

Meanwhile, Kasim, when contacted, said the police are currently completing the investigation into the case based on the Peaceful Assembly Act and will call in those involved in the rally to assist with the investigation.

"So far, we are waiting for the investigation papers to be completed before taking any further action. We will review it first and call those involved to help with the investigation," he said, adding that the nine individuals detained earlier are being investigated under the Immigration Act.




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