13/06/2024 09:23 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 (Bernama) -- Tune Protect Group Bhd recently rolled out a sports and digital-focused initiative at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kampung Baru Si Rusa in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, aimed at bridging digital divide for students.

In a statement today, the Group said the initiative, organised as part of their Corporate Good Programme was held on May 18 and May 25 May in collaboration with a non-profit organisation, Nourish Malaysia, and was joined by 80 volunteers who spent their weekends working alongside teachers and students of the school.

“Since October last year, plans have been underway to donate laptops and personal computers, provide sports equipment, refurbish the digital resource centre, and more,” the statement read.

During their stays, Tune Protect Group conducted various activities at the school which has a total of 799 students with more than 65 per cent from the B40 category, among others including repainting the school’s digital resource centre, participating in community clean-ups, improving the field area and conducting activities in the field.

Tune Protect Group’s Chief Financial Officer How Kim Lian was quoted in the statement as saying that, as Malaysia’s homegrown digital insurer, the Group was not just looking at providing easier access to protection but also leveraging technology to help Malaysians, particularly the underprivileged to become digitally savvy.

How noted that this initiative aimed to produce a generation proficient in digital skills and give a boost to future athletes capable of competing at higher levels. 

“This further reiterates the Group's aspiration to be a lifestyle insurer, which is why we are incorporating a stronger focus on skill development and sports,” he added.

How said Tune Protect has exceeded its corporate good commitment, achieving a remarkable 6,954 volunteer hours from 2022 to date, surpassing its initial target of 6,000 hours for the period of 2022-2024. 

“This achievement highlights our ongoing dedication to making a positive impact in the community,” he said.


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