27/03/2024 01:23 PM
From Muhammad Basir Roslan

Nuzul Quran carries immense significance for Muslims worldwide.  This noble event took place on a Friday night, 17th of Ramadan 610 AD while Prophet Muhammad was in the Hira cave, marking the advent of Islam.

Nuzul means the descent of something special in Arabic while Nuzul Quran means the descent of the holy Quran from heaven by Allah through angel Jibril and revealed it to the Prophet.

It was the day when the Prophet received his first revelation of the first verses of the Quran - that is verse 1 to 5 of surah Al-Alaq that emphasises on reading.

 The revelation was then continued in stages until the 30 juzuk (chapters) of the Quran were completed. The revelation process lasted 23 years, beginning in Makkah and continuing in Madinah after the Prophet’s migration.

 During the month of Ramadan, it is common for Muslims to gather in mosques, suraus or homes to read the Quran together, with each person taking turns to recite from the holy book.

This practice is known as tadarus – reading and reflecting on the Quran – as they seek to deepen their connection with Allah and increase their knowledge and understanding of the holy book.  

However, not everyone can join the tadarus due to several constraints including work commitments. But how best can Muslims reap the benefits of   reading the Quran, which serves as a source of guidance and light in their daily lives?



Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) Islamic Centre Director Dr Muhammad Hafiz Saleh opined that the onus is on Muslims themselves to take the first step in reading the holy book instead of waiting for the right time.

This is because, he said, if Quran reading is given priority despite their tight schedule, Allah would definitely open a wider opportunity for them in their daily activities.

Citing blessings from the descent of the holy Quran in stages over the course of 23 years, Rasulullah (Messenger of Allah) showed the utmost patience when verses of the holy book were read out to him by the angel Jibril and was later willing to spend his time by conveying the Quranic message to his companions and followers.

Dr Muhammad Hafiz Saleh

 “To appreciate the deeds of Rasulullah and his companions, we should take full advantage of the holy Quran by regarding it as a source of self-motivation. Just imagine the challenges that our Prophets and Rasul faced then, but all these were overcome with calm and full of taqwa (piety, fear of Allah).

“Similarly, the challenges that we go through during our era, despite the various challenges, the fear of Allah and our confidence in Him from our own efforts through regular Quran recitals, Allah would certainly provide us with a solution at a time when we least expect, “ he explained.

 He also said that Muslims should draw lessons from the story of Prophet Yunus when he was swallowed by a whale in the middle of the ocean and nearly lost hope. However, after turning to Allah for forgiveness and mercy through continuous prayers, the whale obeyed Allah’s command and swam to the nearest shore and ejected Prophet Yunus.

“We only learn about such inspirational stories by spending more time in understanding and reading the Quran. As such, let us strive to read and ponder the meaning of the Quran daily, even if it only takes just a few minutes. It is the best and powerful link to Allah for seeking His guidance in our daily lives,” he advised. “It would be a waste if those who read the Quran do not make an effort to understand its content, as Allah says in surah Muhammad, ayat 24, “Do they then earnestly seek to understand the Quran, or are their hearts locked up by them?”



Another approach to attract more Muslims to appreciate the Quran is through joint efforts with various parties by setting up a movement that will be able to gather more Muslims to read the holy book.

According to Muhammad Hafiz, this group can draw inspiration from the ‘Geng Subuh Macam Jumaat’ movement that invites congregants to perform the Fajr (dawn) prayers in mosques instead of at home, popularised by celebrity Alif Satar.\

The activity of reciting Al-Quran is not a seasonal activity and is only diligently done during the month of Ramadan.

Earlier, programmes like Quran Time and World Quran Hour received encouraging response from various levels of the community.

As such, he said the creation of the ‘Geng Al-Quran’ can trigger a wave of positivity for all parties, but noted that achieving it will be an uphill task.

 “In this regard, strategic initiatives are needed. Mosques and suraus at residential areas or offices in particular can work together with dakwah groups to invite the community to join the mission.

 “Besides that, social media influencers, artistes and the media can also be involved in promoting the programme so as to attract more Muslims to read and engage in the ‘tadabur’ (reflecting deeply upon the Quran).

 According to him, tadabur of the Quran is best conducted among a large group led by Quran experts to ensure the meaning and contents are clearly understood by the programme’s participants.



A senior lecturer at the Centre of Islamic Business Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia Dr Mohd Murshidi Mohd Noor welcomed efforts to organise such  programme, as anyone who initiated it and put it into practice, would earn pahala (rewards from Allah) especially when others are taking a similar path.

He said encouraging more people to read the Quran is no mean feat except that such a practice is carried out openly and in groups, hence attracting others to follow suit.

Dr Mohd Murshidi Mohd Noor

“Strength can be derived through congregation. This is because we are in an era where immoral practices can be seen in the open. To prevent the situation from rearing its ugly head, good practices should also be held openly and performed in congregation.

"In this respect, perhaps organisers of the programme can discuss with the local community on the right time to hold it. For example at the office surau, the most productive would be several minutes before the azan (call to prayer) for zohor. At residential mosques and suraus, they can be held after the jemaah (congregational) prayers, for instance,” he said.



Meanwhile, Muhammad Hafiz said while the tadarus Al-Quran is actively held during Ramadan, it should be carried out more regularly rather than on a seasonal basis to ensure participants achieve taqwa towards Allah.

Among the reasons why tadarus is seen as a seasonal event is the fact that most of such programmes are held during the fasting month compared to other months.

Tadabur Al-Quran should be done in large groups and should be led by those who are skilled in Al-Quran knowledge.

 “As such, all parties must ensure the tadarus Al-Quran is held daily if possible. We should be assured that the tadarus in groups is part of training and a lifelong learning process.

 “We should also inculcate the habit of reading and appreciating the hadith (sayings of the Prophet) especially on the benefits of reading the verses from the Quran. For example, reading surah Al-Ikhlas just once is equivalent to the pahala (rewards) from reading one-third of the Quran,” he said,  adding that reading the hadith can also motivate one to continuously read the Quran.

For Mohd Murshidi, the tadarus activity is proof that Muslims can be united, and this solidarity spirit is needed given that Islam is being tested with provocations from various irresponsible elements.

In conjunction with the Nuzul Quran celebration, lessons from the Quran are important for Muslims to apply in their daily lives.  The holy book calls on everyone to be united, live in peace and avoid conflicts.

"In the face of provocation, stay united and refer to those in authority. The authorities on the other hand, should perform their duties responsibly, listen to the people’s grievances and immediately act accordingly when dealing with issues that could threaten Muslim harmony in Malaysia,” he added.


Translated by Salbiah Said

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