Dewan Negara Approves Five More Bills, Including Islamic Laws

Published : 19/12/2024 09:55 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 19 (Bernama) -- The Dewan Negara today approved five more Bills, two of which are related to Islamic law.

Among the Bills approved were the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the Syariah Court Civil Procedure (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2024 under the Prime Minister's Department, as well as the Data Sharing Bill 2024 under the Digital Ministry.

The National Wages Consultative Council (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the Labour Ordinance of Sarawak (Amendment) Bill 2024 under the Ministry of Human Resources (KESUMA) were also approved today.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar, when wrapping up the debate on the Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill, said that the amendment to Section 78 of the Act would allow Imam Rawatib and Bilal to continue their services even after reaching the age of 60.

"We have cases where bilals and imams who have reached the age of 60 are highly respected in the community, so this amendment is to allow them to continue their services even after reaching 60," he said.

Regarding the Syariah Court Civil Procedure (Federal Territories) Bill, Mohd Na'im said that the amendment aims, among other things, to set up a fund under the Family Support Division to provide an advance payment of RM1,000 per month if a father or husband fails to pay the maintenance order issued by the Syariah Court.

“If the maintenance order indicates arrears of RM6,000, the Family Support Division will compel the husband to pay the RM6,000. Once he repays, the money will go back into the fund created under the Family Support Division, but in the meantime, the wife and children will receive the money. They will be able to survive with the advance payment given," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohamad said that through amendments to the National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 (Act 732), apprenticeship contract workers can no longer be exploited by employers, particularly during their training phase.

He added that employers who fail to comply with the order could be fined up to RM10,000 for each worker for a first offence, and up to RM20,000 or face imprisonment of up to five years for repeat offences.

“The ministry, through the Labour Department, will continue to monitor and enforce the implementation of the wage order to ensure no violations by employers. We also encourage apprentices to lodge complaints with the department if the same issue occurs,” he said while wrapping up the debate on the National Wages Consultative Council (Amendment) Bill 2024.

Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo said that through the Data Sharing Bill 2024, the government can ensure that every government agency responsible for storing data creates a cybersecurity system that meets the requirements of external companies.

"Here, we can also ensure that these agencies conduct audits so that any deficiencies can be addressed and strengthened, according to the standards set by the government or provisions interpreted under this law," he said when concluding the debate on the Bill.






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